Since each light-year is 5.879 trillion miles, the diameter of the visible universe is 546 billion trillion that in pure truth when put into the form of distance in miles is so massive that we with human minds can’t even begin to fully put into proper perspective the magnitude of the proportion; and when it comes right down to the fact that the distance you just read is all that man can thus far calculate, that means what goes beyond for eternity makes that huge number to be as nothing, and that is but one of the countless reasons full knowledge of YHVH is unsearchable.

How many people in America and worldwide actually pay attention to what has been happening all around them for many decades while always getting worse in every way with nothing positive for the good of civilization?

How many people in our civilization see no wrong?

How many people feel secure in their own way?

How many people put their trust in humankind through spoken words, beliefs, governments, tradition, religion and education?

How many people actually ignore what has been happening in horrible ways to hundreds of millions in other areas of this world because it is not them being hungry, homeless, used as sex or labor slaves, tortured, raped, beaten, and killed in many ways including genocide chemical attacks on the innocent?

How many human beings can spiritually understand these two images while knowing what they represent?


Let us look again.


What some may be aware of, none worldly really understand as made perfectly clear in Job 15:15-16, Psalms 14:2-3, Revelation 12:9, etc.

100_6636 Isaiah 45:18-20

How many that call themselves Christian, Jew or Israelite understand and believe these following words of scripture?

Isaiah 45 001Isaiah 45:7

I am not here to preach truths of the gospel this world will not believe, in fact, I can actually understand why this world is overloaded with atheists, agnostics, and millions of other beliefs when individually looked at being why our civilization has always been nothing but division through wars and hate. However, there is a reason for all things. How much thought have you ever really given on how many beliefs there actually is when there is only one Most High Yahovah?



Ezekiel 5:15, 11, 13, 8, Deuteronomy 31:29, Amos 9:8-10 – These few verses out of many throughout the word show the evil our creator is going to pour upon humanity which includes all misled Christians, Jews and every worldly person on this planet that know not Elohim in spirit and truth while living in their own way of life because they know all things – except truth – and that is because the father of lies is everyone’s unknown God.

A Different View

If you were a creator that has always been everywhere with no time, no limits, nothing not known, and total power over the entire endless universe, [if that is the truth] and then created what would become a human race that would through time populate the endless universe throughout eternity, would not it have to a properly led civilization having not the sin as this world always has had?

Below is an excerpt from one of my many writings with a brief description of our human race ruled by humans. . .

Massive Unstable Marriages

Massive Rapes

Massive Pedophiles

Massive Child abuse

Massive Murder

Massive Greed

Massive STD

Massive Slavery

Massive Human Trafficking

Massive Prostitution

Massive Diseases

Massive Ocean Junkyard

Massive Junkyard in Orbit

Massive Air Pollution

Massive Water Pollution

Massive Soil Pollution

Massive Drug Cartels

Massive Drug Use

Massive Number of Alcoholics

Massive Obesity

Massive Same-Sex Relationships

Massive Political Corruption and lies

Massive Religious Corruption and lies

Massive Unwritten Pagan Holidays Like Christmas, Easter, and uncountable more worldwide with over two billion Christians taking part.

Massive Financial Corruption and lies Through Banks, Stock, etc.

Massive Killer Pharmaceutical Drugs, Flu Shots, and Vaccines etc.

Massive Abortions/Murder

Massive Famine/Drought

Massive Over Crowed Prisons

Massive One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest Insane Asylums

Massive and Totally Corrupted Legal System

Massive Rebel Violence

Massive Natural and Man-Made Disasters Worldwide

Massive Wars soon will become the deadliest through biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons taking billions

Massive Torture coming upon more and more people everywhere

Massive Unjust, Unrighteous, Unfair Human Race because of human rule, human religions, and the misleading psychological input from the God of this world.

Massive Genocide That Has Murdered Near 300,000,000 Innocent Humans That Have Done No Wrong — And Your Time Is Coming To Join The Dead.


The actual facts on human corruption worldwide are so massive when everything is considered, that a million book library would be required in getting out truth on the way humanity has always pathetically ruled itself; therefore we as human beings have finally reached the beginning of our end under ignorant worthless self-rule making way for the millennial Kingdom of YHVH ruled by Yeshua and His firstfruits (Revelation 5:10) with properly enforced laws based on love, righteousness, obedience, what is good, healthy, happy, and stable for all humanity. An example of enforcing the law with punishment in (Zechariah 14:16-19).

So why has Yahovah Elohim [Most High] wrongly called God allowed 6000 years of human rule that has always been more unstable than water? Why all the coming affliction followed with great tribulation?

Because when we talk about the eternal universe that was created to become inhabited, and when we talk about a creator that our human 1000 years is a day to, not even a week has gone by in his preparation of gathering His firstfruits that have become worthy to be rulers of the coming millennial kingdom and a part of His eternal government.

These following words from scripture describe who I am, how I live, and where I am going to be concerning the eternal kingdom:

“If you belonged to the world, the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own. But because you are not of the world [no longer one with it], but I have chosen (selected) you out of the world, the world hates (detests) you. He raises up the poor out of the dust and lifts up the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with nobles and inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has set the world upon them. (John 15:19, 1 Samuel 2:8) (AMPC)

Let’s look at more scripture and think again.


Proverbs 16:25 with Colossians 3:25 below and Jeremiah 10:23-25


Whether it be Christian congregations or people of any belief, whatever they choose to believe is right comes through psychological input with mislead by the father of lies who is the God of this world, therefore no human mind, when it is alone without the spirit of our creator, can direct their own steps in this life.  (Jeremiah 6:19) (KJV)


Lamentations 4:13-14


Do you have any idea whatsoever how vitally important those words just read from Isaiah 59 really are? Read these following verses to know what iniquity actually is. . .


Psalms 66:18, Psalms 32:5

Can you grasp the spiritual understanding of the verses just read? We all as genuine believers are to live by every word as doers, not hearers deceiving our own selves as a sluggard. So if we have iniquity through living by our own will and direction which is not living by the word as instructed in Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4, and Luke 4:4, that means we are of this world taking part in unwritten pagan holidays, wrong day sabbaths, believing the law was nailed to the cross, congregations in the buildings of man falsely called churches where Satan dwells— and showing no love for others through good works/deed as commanded are all forms of the iniquity which have separated this world of believers from whom their speech claims to love, rather than walking their commanded walk in Colossians chapter 3.


Psalms 12:6, 18:30, 33:4, 119:140, Proverbs 30:5

Is not every word of our Creator true when studied to show thyself approved? And that means finding mistranslations, wrongly taught names such as Jesus Christ, God, and more. Also being that all versions of the Bible have their own many flaws, why our creator is against all shepherds, priests, ministers, prophets, evangelists, and every religious title that has blinded their congregation or followers worldwide in ways they know not or will not believe because they trust in themselves rather than instruction with warning from our creator.

Do you think any religious shepherd will teach all the scripture against themselves and how Yahovah views congregations with great anger? This link below has about 200 pages based on scripture against shepherds never taught, and how to gain our Fathers mercy for his help and protection during these perilous times almost upon us all.


What is below has information of vital importance also because Satan’s kingdom is this earth.


https://ttimesoftrouble.wordpress.com/about/ who I am

https://ttimesoftrouble.wordpress.com/ information and many photos on many subjects such as slavery, human trafficking, twisted human rule, corrupt religions, the father of lies all believe, and much more always added to.

https://dochub.com/timesoftrouble many writings on many subjects with many photos regarding this planet and our misled civilization.

Some of My Greatest Concern:



https://ttimesoftrouble.wordpress.com/2016/07/10/539/  Some of My Efforts for Spiritual Knowledge

https://dochub.com/timesoftrouble offers a good choice being many [over 290] individual reads on various subjects concerning the major mess America and our entire world civilization is truly in and includes worldwide misled Christianity according to the Bible which has left billions not spiritually prepared for what is soon to become the worst timesoftrouble ever on this planet.

http://vigilantcitizen.com/ – How Powerful This World of Darkness Truly Is

http://www.newworldordernews.com/ – Accurate news on twisted people in every position so true people cannot believe.

http://www.blacklistednews.com/ – Continual reports which reveal just how deranged our human race has become.

Contact me. . .




I’ve posted a couple of articles that have a loose connection to the ongoing push off the economic cliff. The question is continually asked “Where’s the collapse?” Of course it is only those who are still fully employed and have money in the bank that ask that. The 95 million working age people who do not have full time jobs don’t need to ask, nor do those 45% of people paying at least 50% of their income on credit card debt.

Now comes Puerto Rico. They are about to declare bankruptcy. One might say that they don’t live in Puerto Rico, so what do they care? When any entity defaults on a 73 billion dollar debt, it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There are many funds invested in that debt. At the very least those funds will encounter loses that will be passed down to individual investors. At the worst, some of those funds may themselves go bankrupt, thus sucking down individuals. This also may start a cascade involving others.

The third article covers a theory on the many Trump flip flops. In that article the author theorizes that Trump may be anticipating a much larger event, possibly an economic collapse.

Who knows about that, but there can be no doubt that it is coming. The only question is when. We are in uncharted territory. The whole world is involved in this economic Ponzi scheme, so it is taking longer than one would think, but that is countered by the prospect that the whole world will be in this depression. The bottom line is, there is nothing Trump or anyone else can do to stop this. All they can do is to keep trying to plug the leaks as fast as they come until it no longer can be done. My advice has not changed. Stock up — food, water filtration, medical supplies, guns and ammunition and whatever else you can think of that you need to carry in your day to day life.

It is better to be 10 years early than one day late.

Bruce                                     New World Order News

Puerto Rico is set to file the largest public sector bankruptcy in history after vulture capitalist hedge funds that bought big pieces of the island’s $73 billion in defaulted debt for pennies-on the-dollar refused to take $24 billion haircut.

The U.S. territory made its last-ditch offer to try to avoid a May 1 bankruptcy filing, but failed to negotiate a financial restructuring that would force creditors to take a 23 percent loss on their general obligation bonds and a 42 percent loss on their Cofina sales-tax-backed debt, according to EMMA, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board website.

45% Of Americans Spend Up To Half Their Income Repaying Credit Card Debts

First, roughly 50% of Americans have debt balances, excluding mortgages mind you, of over $25,000, with the average person owing over $37,000, versus a median personal income of just over $30,000. 

The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises

Back in December of 2016 I wrote an article titled Trump Is Exactly Where The Elites Want Him, which I think was very difficult for a large part of the liberty movement to read and accept. In that article I outlined the future of the Trump presidency; a future dominated by Washington insiders, Goldman Sachs internationalists and Neo-Con warmongers. Trump, at the very onset of his administration, broke one of his most important campaign promises — to “drain the swamp.” Instead, he filled his cabinet with all of the same swamp creatures he originally attacked; the same swamp creatures Hillary Clinton was notorious for serving.


A major war is brewing strongly regarding Korea and other nations as written signs of the times in Matthew 24 and many other books in the Bible that will take millions of lives. Then shall be great famine in America and worldwide filled with believers and people everywhere turning against each other, violence, hate, looting, killing, rape, child abuse, earthquakes, and many other calamities through the great 31/2 year affliction coming from all direction upon people in America and this entire world civilization being totally unprepared mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Let’s read what the EXP version says on the subject of what you just read:

Jesus Yeshua answered, “·Be careful [Watch out] that no one ·fools [misleads; deceives] you. Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the ·Christ [meaning they represent the Messiah],’ and they will ·fool [mislead; deceive] many people. You will hear about wars and ·stories of wars that are coming [rumors/reports of wars], but don’t be ·afraid [alarmed]. These things must happen ·before the end comes [or but that is not yet the end]. Nations will ·fight [L rise up] against other nations, and kingdoms against other kingdoms. There will be ·times when there is no food for people to eat [famines], and there will be earthquakes in ·different [various] places. All these things are ·like the first pains when something new is about to be born [L the beginning of the birth pains].

“Then people will arrest you, hand you over to be ·hurt [persecuted; tortured], and kill you. ·They [The world; L All nations] will hate you because ·you believe in me [you follow me; L of my name]. At that time, many will ·lose their faith [turn/fall away], and they will ·turn against [betray] each other and hate each other. Many false prophets will ·come [appear; arise] and ·cause many people to believe lies [deceive many]. There will be more and more ·evil [sin; lawlessness] in the world, so ·most people will stop showing their love for each other [L the love of many/most will grow cold]. Matthew 24:4-13 (EXB)

Today’s misled Christianity will be amongst those worldwide that take part in the celebration and giving of gifts when the two witnesses in Revelation 11 have been killed by the antichrist.

As for this world Christian Israelites that remained genuine through the entire affliction.

“But those people who ·keep their faith [endure; stand firm; persevere] until the end will be saved. ·The Good News [This Gospel] about God’s kingdom will be preached in all the world, [L as a testimony] to every nation. Then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

Let’s now gain a better and more clear explanation of who the two witnesses really are rather than all the false misleading belief Satan’s ministers spread worldwide.

“These two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth [C reminiscent of Zerubbabel and Joshua whom God used to build the second temple in spite of opposition; Zech. 4:2–6]. And if anyone ·tries [wants] to ·hurt [harm; damage] them, fire comes from their mouths and ·kills [consumes; devours] their enemies [Jer. 5:14]. And if anyone ·tries [wants] to ·hurt [harm; damage] them in whatever way, in that same way that person ·will [or must] die. These witnesses have the ·power [authority] to ·stop the sky [close the heavens] from raining during the time they are prophesying [1 Kin. 17:1]. And they have ·power [authority] to make the waters become blood [8:816:3–4Ex. 7:17–21], and they have ·power [authority] to send every kind of ·trouble [plague] to the earth as many times as they want.

When the two witnesses have finished ·telling their message [giving their witness/testimony], the beast [C probably the Antichrist; 13:117:8Dan. 7] that comes up from the ·bottomless pit [Abyss; 9:1] will fight a war against them. He will ·defeat [conquer] them and kill them. The ·bodies [corpses] of the two witnesses will lie in the ·street [public square; C to be left unburied as a sign of disdain] of the great city where the Lord was ·killed [L crucified; C Jerusalem, perhaps here symbolic of the world’s opposition to God]. ·This city is named Sodom and Egypt, which has a spiritual meaning [L …which is figuratively/symbolically/spiritually called Sodom and Egypt; C Jerusalem is symbolically named after places judged by God for wickedness (Sodom/America) and for oppressing God’s people (Egypt); Gen. 19Ex. 7—12]. Those from every race of people, tribe, language, and nation will look at the bodies of the two witnesses [the 144,000 are the two witnesses] for three and one-half days, and they will ·refuse to bury them [L not let them be placed in a tomb]. People who live on the earth will rejoice and ·be happy [celebrate] because these two are dead. They will send each other gifts, because these two prophets brought much ·suffering [torment] to those who live on the earth.

But after [L the] three and one-half days, ·Elohim put the breath of life into the two prophets again [L a breath/spirit of life from God entered them; Gen. 2:7]. They stood on their feet, and everyone who saw them became very afraid. Then the two prophets heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Come up here!” And they went up into heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched.

In the same hour there was a ·great [violent] earthquake, and a tenth of the city ·was destroyed [collapsed; L fell]. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and those who did not die were very afraid and gave glory to the Elohim of heaven [Ezek. 38:19–20Zech. 14:4].

The second ·trouble [L woe] is finished. ·Pay attention [Look; T Behold]: The third ·trouble [L woe] is coming ·soon [quickly; 8:13]. Revelation 11:4:14

What is the true identity of the two witnesses?


I have been warning many for years through my 16 websites, published book, and over one thousand lengthy writings based on scripture and this world’s reality on what is coming with reason why, yet none, no, not one really cares about today’s atrocities upon all civilization from the yoke of incapable human rule, nor hear truth on why these things must be. Psalms 14:2-3

I have written so very many times on how those in affliction that have done well towards others shall receive basic necessities according to the same measure in their help for others in need when they had the means – but for those living selfishly, coveting worldly and material items that shall perish, there will be no mercy, but rather harsh judgment on this earth, and in the millennial resurrection for the sheep and goats of greed.


Because all people believe only what they choose, all that can be done is to deliver a message few will hear just as Ezekiel chapter 2; therefore, those looking only above for direction while being no part of worldly ways just accept difficult circumstance in this life along with false brethren and never any help for just basic needs like a good meal, stove, or small plot of land for a bamboo hut to give my wife and I some needed peace, rest, and pleasure being away from the noise of any populated area.

Below through one link sharing a little on who I also contain some other links on what is happening on this earth accompanied with the way of spiritual education that I have been seeking, working at, and learning from our creator through being dissociated with all human philosophy, beliefs, religions, governments, and human education of this world being totally blind to the only true source being the spiritual input coming from not of this world, but rather the 3rd heaven where Yehovah Elohim is on His throne of eternity with Yeshua by His side.

https://ttimesoftrouble.wordpress.com/about/ who I am

Daniel 9:13, Proverbs 1:26-29, 1 John 4:20, 1 John 4:7-8, 1 John 3:16-18

Psalms 41:1-2 and Proverbs 3:5-7

James 1:22-25, 2:14-16, 1 John 4:11,

Jeremiah 25:15, 29, 3:25, 10:23-25

Why through this past decade do not loving Christians spare even just one grain of rice for others in need?

Isaiah 59:1-4, 54:7-8

May our Father have mercy upon you during these coming perilous times because He has mercy only upon those He chooses by their actions, ways, and obedience rather than hypocrites shouting love through icy hearts. Romans 9:15-18, Job 8:11-15